Saturday, December 26, 2009

Gunnel Divinum Vitae, escapes enológicas to Castilla-La Mancha

Mil Regalos Gratis is always a dedicated blog to that you could obtain many gifts completely free but today we want to speak to you about the very special one and that is not free but almost since his price is almost a prank if we bear in mind what is offered.

Gunnel Divinum Viate is a new product throw for the Club of Tourism Enológico of Castilla-La Mancha, Divinum Vitae, with which you are going to be able to do a gift of the most finished and special thing to a friend, to your couple or porqué not to you mism@.

It is a question of a few tourism escapes enológico in wine vaults of Castilla-La Mancha and that an unforgettable ground will allow you to know not only but it will bring you over to the best wines of the market.

You have two types of escapes in Gunnel Divinum Vitae:

Escapes of 59 €, consisting of Visit to Wine vault, Activities and Obsequiousness of wine.
Escapes of 159 €, consisting of Visit to Wine vault, Activities, Accommodation and Obsequiousness of wine.

You must only choose one (or the two) across the linkage that we give you and once chosen you will have only to choose the call option where you will have to introduce the information and the direction. Within a period of between 24 and 48 hours you will receive vuesto “bond with the value of the elected escape” and a small leaflet with the options, so that the recipient of the gift selects then the concrete escape that he wishes. Like that you have an option of free gift and completely personalizable according to the tastes and preferences of the recipient of this gift.

To enjoy the bond, it is necessary to do the reservation, good by phone (902 33 84 66), or for email (, to the Head office of Reservations of the Club, and to indicate the number of locator of the bond. As soon as the availability was verified, you will obtain the assertion of your reservation (if it is for email, in the maximum space of 24 hours)